Changes to the Turnitin external tool on ICON may affect your course assignments. These impacts assignments using Turnitin from previous semesters copied into fall 2024 courses, new assignments, and Blueprint courses. You can learn more about this change and find helpful guides and resources on the Turnitin LTI 1.3 page.
For an alternative setup for assignments using Turnitin, consider the Plagiarism Framework. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk.
Plagiarism detection is the process of checking papers against external sources and identifying sections that may have been plagiarized. The University of Iowa has licensed Turnitin, an online, automatic plagiarism detection service for campus-wide use. This license is only for checking coursework at the University of Iowa, and may not be used for other reasons. Students submit their papers via ICON, and the instructor receives an originality report showing possible matches between the submitted paper and Turnitin's database and internet resources. It is important to note that the final decision about the presence of a plagiarism lies with the instructor.
Turnitin includes the Feedback Studio, a comprehensive grading and writing tool that features QuickMarks and PeerMark.
Get Started with Turnitin
The Turnitin ICON integration allows instructors to check for plagiarism while also allowing access to commonly used ICON tools such as:
- Group Assignments
- Canvas Rubrics
- Canvas Peer Review (although you may like Peerceptiv, a separate tool in ICON)
- Student View
Turnitin gives users flexibility with editing due dates and more, including:
- Multiple deadlines
- Due date changes after students have submitted papers
- Due date adjustments using Copy a Course
Students can upload multiple files for their assignments. If an instructor forgets to make an assignment a Turnitin assignment on ICON, and students have already turned in their papers, submitting submissions to Turnitin still allows instructors to check for plagiarism.
To get started with Turnitin, learn how to create and set up a Turnitin Assignment in ICON.
To learn more about using Turnitin, see the Turnitin Instructor Guide and Student Guide.