There are two different program plans:

  • Top Hat Basic is a free version of Top Hat.Instructors can host discussions and ask polling questions. This allows instructors to use Top Hat to promote student engagement.
  • Top Hat Pro includes all the tools of the Basic version. It also includes individual scoring and attendance information, a weekly email of class performance, and integration with the ICON Gradebook. Would you like to use Top Hat Pro in your course? Be sure to place your order through ICON Direct to give your students a discounted price.
FeaturesTop Hat BasicTop Hat Pro
PriceFree for students

$15 per semester for students through ICON Direct

Students purchase a single license per semester, no matter how many courses use Top Hat

Lecture Features

Slide presentations and editing

Aggregate attendance capture

Discussions and polling questions; aggregate scores only

Slide presentations and editing

Individual attendance capture

Discussions and polling questions; individual scores recorded

Insights and GradesLimited weekly insights on student performance

Comprehensive weekly insights on student performance and attendance

Full course gradebook

ICON Gradebook integration

Additional FeaturesNone

Test and assignment creation and editing ;

Authoring, editing, and customization tools for readings and textbooks

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