The UICapture End User License Agreement (EULA) went into effect 02/10/2020.
Creators will need to accept the EULA each year on or after Jan. 1 before they are able to record or upload content. This is a once a year agreement, after you agree for a calendar year, you will not see the notice again that year unless the policy changes. If the policy changes, you will be notified through the agreement window.
This agreement was approved by the University’s Joint Office for Compliance, IT Security and Policy office, and OneIT Leaders
What you will see
The agreement reads
End-user License Agreement
Panopto is not approved for HIPAA/PHI data
To be HIPAA compliant, never use UICapture (Panopto) to store or share Protected Health Information (PHI); this includes recording to the cloud in Zoom. This service is also not approved for Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Instead, use your University OneDrive as an alternative storage method for HIPAA protected materials. If you have questions about HIPAA and PHI, please contact the Privacy Officer at 319-384-8282.
UICapture is approved for FERPA data
UICapture can be used to record, store, edit, and share class/lecture recordings and other audio/video needs in courses or otherwise. However, there are some restrictions when sharing lecture recordings beyond enrolled students in some cases. Please contact the Registrar with FERPA questions.
Content Retention
There is a four-year retention process in place to clean up unused content. UICapture will move an unused video to the Recycle Bin when it reaches four years of inactivity. After that, each video will remain in the Recycle Bin for 90 additional days if you need to recover.