Instructors can embed Pressbooks chapters into an ICON course, allowing students to access the material even if the book is private. To create this connection, go to Pressbooks to create and export an LTI integration, then visit ICON to import the integration into the course.

Step One: Adjust roles for students

By adjusting students' roles, you can make students subscribers to your book, so they can read the course material. You also can select other roles that allow them to create or edit Pressbooks content.

  1. Go to your book's dashboard.
  2. In the menu to the left, hover over Integrations and select LTI Settings.
  3. To change the student role, set the appropriate role for Map Learner.
  4. If students will add or edit content, unselect Hide Pressbooks navigation within the LMS.
  5. If students will only read the content, select Hide Pressbooks navigation within the LMS for easier navigation with ICON (this still allows students to use H5P content and Hypothesis).
  6. Leave the Common Cartridge at Canvas.
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. Optionally, adjust your book's Appearance (how it will display in ICON).

Step Two: Select parts of your book to include

  1. From the Pressbooks dashboard menu on the left, click Organize.
  2. Scroll through the parts and chapters of your book and check the content you want in ICON under Show in Exports, or uncheck items you want to leave out of your course.
  3. Your selections will save automatically.

Step Three: Download your Pressbooks common cartridge

  1. In the menu on the left, select Export.
  2. Under Export Options, check Common Cartridge with LTI links (Canvas).
  3. Click Export Your Book.
  4. Under Latest Exports, hover over the latest file you exported and click Download.
  5. Save your file to your computer.

Step Four: Upload your Pressbooks common cartridge to ICON

  1. Navigate to your ICON course.
  2. Click on Settings in the menu to the left.
  3. In the menu on the right, click Import Course Content.
  4. Under Import Content, use the Content Type menu to select Common Cartridge 1.x Package.
  5. Under Source, click Browse to find and select the Common Cartridge file you downloaded, then click Open.
  6. Under Content, select All Content.
  7. Click Import.

Step Five: Publish your content in ICON

  1. Once the import is completed, check Modules in your ICON course navigation.
  2. Each part of the book should have imported as a module while the chapters will be unpublished parts of those modules. Publish any chapters you want to be available to students.
  3. You can edit the names of Pressbooks content, delete parts you don’t want, reorganize modules, or move chapters.
  4. You can mix other ICON content between your chapters, so students can easily navigate from a Pressbooks chapter to a quiz, discussion, or assignment.

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