Pressbooks is an easy-to-use book writing software that lets you create a book in all the formats you need to publish. Pressbooks delivers print-ready PDF files and ebook files optimized to look great on mobile devices.

As a founding member of Unizin, the University of Iowa aims to provide students with more affordable access to course content. Whether you are creating your own course material or customizing an Open Educational Resource, Pressbooks allows you to add, edit, and reorder content in an online book site.

Get started with Pressbooks

Log in to the University of Iowa Pressbooks site with your HawkID to generate your Pressbooks account. Accounts can be added to book sites with different levels of permissions.

All university instructors and staff can request a Pressbooks book site. Use of the system is reserved for educational, research, or institutional purposes. If you would like a site, complete UI Pressbooks Site Request.

If you want to integrate your Pressbooks project into an ICON course, check out Pressbooks Integration with ICON.

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