1. Start your Assignment in ICON.
    • Click on Assignments in the course navigation menu to the left.
    • In the upper right, click on the +Assignment button to create an assignment.
    • Fill out the assignment information, including the name, a description of the assignment, the number of points and the assignment group.
  2. Set the Submission Type to External Tool and create a Peerceptiv Assignment.
    • In the Submission Type section, select External Tool.
    • Under Enter of Find an External Tool URL, click Find.
    • Scroll through the choices in Configure External Tool, and select Peerceptiv, then click Select.
    • Check Load This Tool In A New Tab.
The location of Peerceptiv in the External Tool menu, indicated with a gold box.
Checkbox selected to "Load this tool in a new tab."
  1. Set ICON Due Dates.
    • Select the date you want the assignment to be due. You can also set availability dates to the assignment, if appropriate.
  2. Click Save or Save and Publish.

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