Wiki Cloud Migration Complete

The migration to the cloud for Atlassian Confluence is complete. If you’ve reached this page, it may mean that you are trying to access something that was stored on the old on-premise system hosted at That old system has been shut down, and all content that we received a request to move is now being hosted in the cloud.

If you’ve already moved your content to the Confluence Cloud, you can navigate to the new University of Iowa Wiki site.

If you still need to access your content that was in the old Wiki, but didn’t capture/migrate it previously, we can help, and you have some options.

Important Dates

  • June 2024. This is the date where we will no longer be able to perform migrations to the Confluence Cloud ( or migrate the content to SharePoint Online. After June 1, 2024, we will only be able to give you an offline archive of your content (PDF or HTML).
  • Jan. 1, 2026. This is the date that we will decommission all on-premise resources related to the old Wiki ( We will not be able to recover any content after Jan. 1, 2026.

Recovery Options

Move to Confluence Cloud

Until June 1, 2024, we are still able to migrate content from your existing Wiki spaces directly into Confluence Cloud spaces. If you’d like to start that process, please contact the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology, or submit a workflow for a new Sponsoring Unit and provide an MFK that we can charge the license cost for your users to ($44/user/year).

Move to SharePoint Online

Until June 1, 2024, we can migrate content that was hosted in the University of Iowa Wiki to a new SharePoint Online site. This migration is not quite 1:1 so there may be some differences in what is available and how content is presented, but there is no cost to departments/users for this service.

We also have additional information, including differences between a few platforms that may be suitable alternatives to Confluence.

If you’d like us to migrate your content to SharePoint Online, please fill out the Workflow form.

Retrieve a Local Archive

Until Jan. 1, 2026, we can provide you a static file (PDF or HTML) of your Wiki content. To start this process, contact the ITS Help Desk.

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