Course Settings

You can control what a student sees on their dashboard by going to course settings.

  • Click on the menu in Elements of Success, and click on Course Settings.
Course Settings
  • You can choose what students see on their Elements of Success dashboard by selecting which assignment groups to include.
Elements of Success dashboard
  • You can click Configure grade cap points to configure the grade caps to be included in the grade calculations .
Configure grade cap points
  • Once there, you can adjust the caps for the course and then click Save Grade Caps.
  • Under Choose Activities, you can set which behaviors students can see under How am I doing? Behavior.
    • Total Days Accessed Course ICON Page lets students see how often they check ICON compared to peers.
    • Submitted and Graded Assignments shows how students' assignment completion compares to peers.
    • ICON Files Accessed shows how students compare on files viewed from the course ICON site. This includes all file types and might be helpful to show in a course with readings or other material uploaded to the course but less helpful if most course files were decorative images.
Choose Activities
  • You can choose to show the total and grade estimation, if desired. If you don't select to show the grade estimation, it will only display the student's percentile rank. If you'd like to set up the grade scheme so you can use Grade Estimation, contact the ITS Help Desk.

Set Page to Active

  • When you are ready for students to access Elements of Success for your course, set the course status to Active and click Save. You can set Elements of Success to active whenever you want to introduce your students to the program, whether you want students to consider goals and action items in the first couple weeks or wait until after the first assessment when you turn on Grade Estimation or Percentile Rank.
course status to Active

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