There are several roles in ICON that can help support staff assist faculty and instructors.

The Support Staff role has read-only access to tools and files in an ICON site. The Collegiate Admin roles (Level 1 and Level 2) generally have access to do everything an instructor would do in a course and access to additional administrative tools. The ICON Administrative Conventions and Procedures Handbook covers these roles in more detail.

To get this level of access, complete the Elevated ICON Access Authorization Form and submit it to workflow. Approval is required by your area’s IT director. FERPA training, HIPAA training, and ICON Collegiate Admin training are also required. An AdminID (similar to a hawkID but with a different username and password) is needed to access ICON with elevated rights. AdminIDs can be requested at

Administrative rights are intended for instructional or support staff who work with instructors using ICON. Based on guidance from University General Counsel, this level of access is not available for those with a position of authority over instructors. Deans, associate deans, departmental executive officers, or others with authority over instructors should seek approval from all instructors in their area to be granted elevated access in ICON.

ICON Collegiate Administrator Tools

Depending on your collegiate administrator role in ICON, you may have access to the tools below. Contact the ICON Support team if you have questions about using these tools.

Canvas Administrator Guide| Canvas Instructor Guide

The Administrative Conventions and Procedures Handbook is available in Pressbooks. 

To see who can access what in ICON, you can check out Roles and Rights for Students, TAs, Instructors and Designers.

A schedule of what and when information is pulled from SIS data and pushed into our LMS.

Enrollments and user data is pulled from various sources every two hours and then synced to Canvas every two hours. 

Course and Section data is pulled nightly at 10 pm and synced to Canvas on the next sync cycle.


Midnight and 1am: SIS Import to Canvas

1am-2am: Enrollment and Users

2am-3am: SIS Import to Canvas

3am-4am: Enrollment and Users

4am-5am: SIS Import to Canvas

5am-6am: Enrollment and Users

6am-7am: SIS Import to Canvas

7am-8am: Enrollment and Users

8am-9am: SIS Import to Canvas

9am-10am: Enrollment and Users

10am-11am: SIS Import to Canvas

11am-12pm: Enrollment and Users

12pm-1pm: SIS Import to Canvas

1pm-2pm: Enrollment and Users

2pm-3pm: SIS Import to Canvas

3pm-4pm: Enrollment and Users

4pm-5pm: SIS Import to Canvas

5pm-6pm: Enrollment and Users

6pm-7pm: SIS Import to Canvas

7pm-8pm: Enrollment and Users

8pm-9pm: SIS Import to Canvas

9pm-10pm: Enrollment and Users

10pm: Courses and Sections (daily); Accounts and Terms (runs every Friday)

10pm-11pm: SIS Import to Canvas

11pm-midnight: Enrollment and Users




Student Information System (SIS)

Learning Management System (LMS)

Users - people that have been added to the LMS (faculty/staff/students)


Why aren't changes effective immediately?

Changes don't happen in real time because multiple systems are in play. Each system's database has to be updated and then the next system pulls that information, etc. These systems are also harmonized with other systems throughout campus and scheduled so as to not put a large load on infrastructure at one given time.


Have Questions?

We're here to support you with instructional technology.