Extended Time Accommodations in ICON
Student accommodations for extended time will automatically be applied to all Canvas Classic quizzes in a course once the student generates their letter of accommodation. Contact for assistance.
Use the MAUI in ICON SDS Summary Tab to view requested accommodations for your course.
Beginning March 26, 2025, you no longer need to manually adjust the time allowed for students who elect to use SDS extended time accommodations if you use ICON Classic Quizzes in your course.
A daily process will run at 2:00 AM CST to adjust time allowed on ICON (Classic) Quizzes for students who have enabled extended time accommodations for your course.
If your student(s) enables an extended time accommodation for your course without sufficient time for the daily process to adjust time allowed on an upcoming timed quiz, you will need to manually adjust the time for that specific quiz. (Any remaining timed quizzes in the course will be adjusted when the process runs.)
Use the Moderate Quiz tool on your ICON quiz page to view accommodations or make manual adjustments to timed quizzes in your course.
Administrators with the Canvas Collegiate Admin L1 or Canvas Collegiate Admin L2 roles can view the SDS Quiz Log, located in the ICON Dashboard Admin Tools under the Other heading, to monitor activity for automatic timed-quiz accommodations.
Beginning on March 26, 2025, a 2:00 AM CST daily process pulls SDS course enrollments in the current and next semesters, where a student has exam-specific accommodations with a time multiplier (for example, 0.5 for 50%, 1 for 100%, 2 for 200% more time).
Additional times are added to Classic Quizzes that have a time limit set in corresponding Canvas courses and the SDS Quiz Log is updated based on the activity, with the following statuses:
INSERTED - when a new accommodation is applied
UPDATED - when an existing accommodation is updated
DELETED - when an existing accommodation is dropped from the MAUI data warehouse
Results may be filtered by User ID, Canvas Course ID, Canvas Quiz ID, Session Code (Term), as well as course Start and End Dates. Users, courses, and quiz items are linked to the specific content in Canvas.
The report is updated by a daily process and loads activities for the past week by default. The date range can be changed.
Note that this source is a day behind from production.
Accommodations are set at course level. A student may be assigned a different accommodation for various courses.
Student questions or issues with accommodations should be routed to their instructor and the SDS office.