Meet the instructional technology consultants, learning spaces technology consultants, and learning analytics specialists in our office.

Mark Mueller

Mark Mueller

Senior Communications Infrastructure Engineer, Learning Spaces Technology
Mark Mueller is a communications infrastructure engineer for Learning Spaces Technology.
Jesse Nicholson

Jesse Nicholson

Senior Instructional Technology Consultant, Instructional Services
Jesse is a senior instructional technology consultant and provides support and training for ICON (Canvas) and Canvas Catalog as an learning management systems administrator, as well as various other enterprise instructional technology services.
Drew Riggs

Drew Riggs

Associate A/V Engineer, Learning Spaces Technology
Drew installs and updates new classroom and workspace technology.
Tricia Roberts

Tricia Roberts

Associate Communications Infrastructure Engineer, Learning Spaces Technology
Tricia is an associate communications infrastructure engineer with Learning Spaces Technology.
Paul Ross

Paul Ross

Communications Infrastructure Architect, Learning Spaces Technology
Paul Ross is a communications infrastructure architect with Learning Spaces Technology.
Jane Russell

Jae-Eun (Jane) Russell

Director, Research and Analytics
Jane conducts research and assessment in TLT to learn about how to promote the adoption of instructional practices that support successful student learning.
Anne Schimke

Anne Schimke

Senior IT Support Consultant, Learning Spaces Technology
Anne Schimke is a senior IT support consultant with Learning Spaces Technology.
Anna Smith

Anna Smith

Learning Analytics Specialist, Research and Analytics
Anna conducts research and assessment in the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology to answer questions about student learning and engagement.
Holly Soboroff

Holly Soboroff

Instructional Technology Consultant, Instructional Services
Holly is an instructional technology consultant for the Academic Technologies team, part of Instructional Services. She provides support, training, and consultation for student response systems, Peerceptiv, and various other enterprise instructional technology services. 
Jason Spartz

Jason Spartz

Senior Instructional Technology Consultant, Instructional Services
Jason is a senior instructional technology consultant for the Enterprise Instructional Technology team, part of Instructional Services. He provides service management and Tier3 support for ICON, UICapture, UILearn, wiki, Respondus, and other services.  

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