Jae-Eun (Jane) Russell
Russell conducts research and assessment in TLT to learn about how to promote the adoption of instructional practices that support successful student learning. She is interested in student learning and motivation, which are facilitated by teaching practices in various learning environments.
Selected Publications
Russell, J. E., Andersland, M., Van Horne, S., Gikonyo, J., & Sloan, L. (2017). Large lecture transformation: Improving problem solving through in-class practice in an electrical circuits course. Advances in Engineering Education.
Van Horne, S., Henze, M., Schuh, K., Colvin, C., & Russell, J. (2017). Facilitating adoption of an interactive e-textbook among university students in a large, introductory biology course. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 21, 1 - 19.
Durham, F., Russell, J. E., & Van Horne, S. (2017). A collaborative curriculum for large lecture discussion sections. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator.
Russell, J. E., Van Horne, S., Ward, A., Bettis III, E., & Gikonyo, J. (2017). Variability in students’ evaluating processes in peer assessment with calibrated peer review. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33(2), 178-190. DOI:10.1111/jcal.12176
Russell, J. E., Van Horne, S., Ward, A., Bettis, A. E., Sipola, M., Colombo, M., & Rocheford, M. K. (2016). Large lecture transformation: Adopting evidence-based practices to increase student engagement and performance in an introductory science course. Journal of Geoscience Education, 64(1), 37-51. DOI:10.5408/
Van Horne, S., Russell, J., & Schuh, K. (2016). The adoption of mark-up tools in an interactive E-textbook reader. Educational Technology Research & Development, 29, 1-27.
Van Horne, S., Russell, J., & Schuh, K. (2015). Assessment with learning analytics. EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research, Research Bulletins.