The changing demographics and circumstances of enrollment at Iowa mean that students are likely to come into your course with a wide range of experiences, skills, and perspectives. Teaching inclusively means embracing student diversity in all forms—race, ethnicity, gender, disability, socioeconomic background, ideology, even personality traits like introversion—as an asset.

The goal of the Course Equity Insights is to help instructors identify existing equity gaps in their course based on students’ identities to reflect on how they can better support all students and provide some strategies on inclusive teaching.

What We Offer

The report compares course outcomes between demographic groups and shows if the differences are statistically significant. This report also looks at the intersections among students' multiple identities and course outcomes.

Course Equity Insights may help answer the following questions:

  • Is there an equity gap in course grade between first-generation and continuing generation students after accounting for prior learning?
  • Have equity gaps in student outcomes increased or decreased over time?
  • Are there specific assignments that certain demographic groups are underperforming on?

This report is provided alongside a consultation with data and teaching experts. This is due to the sensitive nature of this report, but it is also intended to provide appropriate context and guide reflection.

An example of a visualization provided in the report.

Graph from an example course equity report that shows performance on homework and tests


Request a Course Equity Insights Report

Complete this form to request a Course Equity Insights report for a course you are currently teaching or have taught in the past. To learn more about the course equity report, data-informed teaching, and other data services, please contact us at

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We deliver a holistic view of student learning experiences and provide actionable insights.