Course Activity Insights (CAI) is a comprehensive analytics platform designed to help instructors make data-informed decisions about their teaching to improve teaching and student success. CAI generates near real-time reports with daily updates to answer course-specific questions. This allows instructors to create supportive learning environments that engage students while also identifying those who may benefit from additional learning resources.

By gathering data from multiple educational technologies (e.g., ICON, Zoom, Panopto, and online homework platforms), CAI provides instructors with a deeper understanding of their students’ academic backgrounds and patterns of engagement. The goal is to gain insight into students’ interactions with materials and tools and how they may support success.

It is important to note that CAI is focused on student learning and support, and it explicitly excludes matters related to academic integrity violations or student grievances.

Get started with Course Activity Insights

If you are interested in having Course Activity Insights for your course, fill out this form to request access to the Course Activity Insights (CAI) demo and training ICON course site. You can use the site to familiarize yourself with the tool’s features and functionalities, ensuring you can effectively use it to enhance your course. It will also help you determine if it is a good fit given your needs and course design. We are still in the pilot phase and will contact those who request access to the demo site with more information.

Have Questions?

We deliver a holistic view of student learning experiences and provide actionable insights.