If you're interested in participating in one of Research and Analytics active projects, email its-ra@iowa.uiowa.edu.

Active Projects

Adam Brummett engages students in a large chemistry course.

Learning Analytics-Based Personalized Feedback in Large Lecture Courses

This project aims to address questions about how students perceive learning analytics-based personalized feedback, how these messages affect student engagement with course materials and assignments, and how the messages impact student learning outcomes. 

Close up of a UI student's hand writing in a nonfiction course

AI in Student Learning

AI is ubiquitous, and students are exposed to it regardless of classroom policies. Many faculty members embrace AI and incorporate it into their classrooms to support student learning. This AI research project aims to understand our students’ use of AI and its impact on their learning.


Completed Projects

An example Elements of Success platform.

Student Success Adopting Elements of Success

Elements of Success (EoS) is a learning analytics platform for students that provides real-time feedback and data visualizations on student performance, including a current estimated grade. This study examined the relationship between student use of EoS and academic performance among at-risk students in an introductory chemistry course.

UI students look through library stacks in the UI Libraries.

Promoting Student Textbook Reading

Students’ reading is an essential part of learning in college courses. However, many instructors are concerned that students do not complete assigned readings, and multiple studies have found evidence to support this concern. This research examines various instructional strategies and student eTextbook reading behaviors validated by page view data.


UI students sit in Macbride Hall on the first day of class.

Student Success: Large Lecture Transformation

The primary objective of this project was to leverage technology to transform large lecture course delivery in order to provide increased student-centered learning. The technologies and pedagogies chosen were based upon models that have already proven successful around the country. However, innovations and improvements to those practices will be implemented by the project team in collaboration with the faculty partner.


UI student reading on a laptop while sitting on the Pentacrest.

The Adoption of eTextbooks

With the increasing integration of technology in academic settings, understanding how eTextbooks impacted student learning, engagement, and success had become crucial. This research focused on comparing eTextbooks with traditional paper textbooks and the adoption of interactive tools, seeking to provide a comprehensive analysis of these aspects.


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