For Instructors

The Ally ICON integration allows instructors to receive real-time feedback on their course content. As they build their ICON sites, they will see indicators that alert them to possible accessibility issues and offer guidance on improving those materials.

  • Ally indicator for low score

    Low:  File is not accessible and is in need of immediate attention.

  • Ally indicator for a medium score

    Medium: File is somewhat accessible but still needs improvement.

  • Ally indicator for a high score

    High: File is accessible but has some small changes that could be made.

  • Ally indicator for a perfect score

    Perfect: File is accessible. No improvement needed.

These symbols are only visible by instructors in the course; students cannot see any of these.

Instructors also have access to a course accessibility report, that will give them an overview of their course site and further guidance as to ways they can improve course content:

Ally Course Accessibility Report example

For more information on the Accessibility Report, please see Ally's Accessibility Report Explainer.

For Students

Ally will create and provide alternative formats for course materials uploaded to the ICON site, which will make those materials more flexible and accessible.

Students can click on this button next to course materials: 

Alternative format button in Ally

Then, they can select the alternative format they want from the available options.

Alternative formats available in Ally

To get started with Ally, please follow the guidance offered on Ally's Quick Start for Instructors page.

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