Digital Desk, the current solution for Scantron bubble sheets, will be decommissioned for fall 2024, and the Exam Scoring service will be replaced with Gradescope Bubble Sheets. If you are a current Digital Desk/Instructor Tools user, you can still use Digital Desk for the spring and summer 2024 semesters. The Copy Center will still be available to instructors to pick up Gradescope Bubble Sheets and scan exams.

Instructors can find upcoming training sessions on Gradescope Bubble Sheets by visiting the Upcoming Events page. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk.

Your instructor will provide you with the bubble/Scantron sheets. There is no charge for these.

A university ID must be gridded in the ID Number area of the answer sheet. All IDs must begin in box “A.” When filling in your university ID, bubble all eight digits, even if the ID begins with several zeroes. Do not use your Social Security number in place of your university ID.

  • Use #2 pencils only to mark responses. Do not use a pen.
  • Mark only one response per item.
  • If you need to erase an answer, make sure the old answer choice has no pencil marks left on it, as blurry erasures could be read as a valid response.
  • No extraneous marks should be made on the answer sheet.

No. The sheets have to be bubbled in with pencil, preferably #2.

Do not bend, staple, or fold the answer key or student sheets.

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