Will copyright protected content present through Solstice?
Certain types of content with digital copyright protection [mainly video streaming through paid sites] may not present through Solstice. It is best to test copyright protected content ahead of expected presentation.
What types of devices are supported for Solstice use?
- Solstice offers universal support for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices with a consistent user experience across all supported operating systems.
- Solstice also offers browser-based support for Chromebook and Linux devices.
Does Solstice work with VPNs?
There has been a rare instance where running a VPN prevented a device from connecting to Solstice and/or the eduroam wireless network. Reconfiguring or turning of the VPN may help.
How many participants can access Solstice during a single session?
Each Solstice session will currently allow up to 40 participants in a space.
Why can't PowerPoint be extended in presentation mode?
Currently, a single, active display may not mirror and extend. However, support for this feature is likely being added in a forthcoming release of the Mersive Solstice App.
Can I mirror my MacOS Desktop?
This process has changed with some recent Apple OS updates. Please review MacOS Desktop Mirroring documentation.
Why won't the Solstice app connect to the session?
Solstice requires the use of the eduroam wireless network to connect.