How many documents can I upload to iThenticate?

Individual document uploads will vary, but there is a university-wide limit of 5,000 documents.

What happens if my submission gets flagged for similarity matches?

Nothing. iThenticate is a proactive tool to assess plagiarism potential and is for the benefit of those who use it; you will not be reported.

Can I reupload a submission?

Documents uploaded for a Similarity Check will have the ability to reupload (using the resubmission button). As long as the document content changes are not more than 60% from the original submission, you are allowed up to three resubmissions per document.

Can I use Turnitin?

Turnitin works best for students and classroom work. iThenticate was created for academic professionals. Learn more about the differences and similarities between Turnitin and iThenticate with this comparison page.

Can iThenticate detect ChatGPT and other AI writing systems?

iThenticate/Turnitin is creating a resource to address ChatGPT content detection. Turnitin, the parent company of iThenticate, released an AI detection program in early 2023 and has been reviewed by the Turnitin and iThenticate service team at the University of Iowa. Due to inconsistencies in outcomes, this AI detection program will not be made available.

For further information, the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology created a resource about artificial intelligence tools.

Other Resources

How do I...?

To request an account visit iThenticate: Request an Account.

The Turnitin knowledge base is full of answers for your questions.

Or for further assistance, contact the ITS Help Desk.

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