Installation Guides

  1. Download Read&Write from the ITS Software Download site.
  2. Extract the file.
RW12install zip folder
  1. Open the RW12install folder. 
RW12 Install Folder
  1. Double click the ReadandWriteConfig to start the installation.
ReadandWriteConfig installer package circled
  1. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the installation, select Install.
Pop-up InstallShield Wizard for Read&Write with Install circled
  1. A second pop-up window will appear asking if you want to allow Read&Write to make changes to your device, select Yes.
Pop-up asking if Read&Write can make changes to the device, yes is circled.
  1. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Finish.
InstallShield Wizard Complete pop-up with finish circled
  1. Double click on Read&Write application.
Read&Write application circled
  1. Select Extract All from the Compressed (zipped) Folders pop-up window. 
Pop-up asking to about Compressed (zipped) Folder with extract all circled
  1. Open the Read&Write application.
Read&Write completed and installed application circled in files folder
  1. Another pop-up window will ask if you want to allow Read&Write to make changes, select Yes.
Second pop-up asking if Read&Write can make changes to the device, yes is circled.
  1. On the Read&Write dialog box, click Accept and Install.
Pop-up asking if Read&Write can be installed, accept and install is circled.
  1. Read&Write is now installed and activated. You should be able to find and open the application by searching for the program in the search bar. 
screenshot of searching for Read&Write application in search bar on Windows computer

Note: After installing Read&Write the desktop folder RW12Install can be deleted. 

  1. Go to the Software Download Site and log in with your HawkID and password. 
  2. Download Read&Write under the Macintosh section. 
  3. Open the file RWGold_7.1.dmg.
RWGold_7.1.dmg package on Mac computer
  1. Drag the Read&Write logo to the Applications folder.
pop-up window asking for the Read&Write application to be moved to the applications folder
  1. Read&Write will begin to install. Once complete, navigate to Finder and then open Application and open Read&Write.
Screenshot of Applications folder on a Mac with Read&Write circled.
  1. A pop-up window ill appear asking if you are sure you want to open an app downloaded from the internet, choose Open. 
pop-up asking if you want to open an app (Read&Write) downloaded from the internet with open circled.
  1. When prompted to log in, choose Sign in with Microsoft and sign-in with your and password. 
options for Read&Write with Sign in with Microsoft circled

  1. Navigate to the Chrome Web Store and locate Read&Write for Google Chrome.
  2. Click on Add to Chrome located in the top right corner. 
screenshot of google web store for read&write chrome extension
  1. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the extension installation, select Add Extension. 
chrome extension pop-up for confirmation of adding extension
  1. Once the extension is installed, click on the Read&Write icon to open the software. When you open Read&Write for the first time, you will be asked to sign in. Select Sign in with Microsoft and sign in with your HawkID and password. 
read&write google chrome extension sign-in with Microsoft Office

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