1. Go to icon.uiowa.edu.
  2. Enter your HawkID and password and click Login.
  3. You will see your ICON Dashboard, which should display a list of all your ICON courses for the semester. You can select a different semester to view by choosing from the drop-down menu on the right.
  4. Click the course title to enter the course.

You’re having trouble logging in to ICON

  • You forgot your HawkID password. Contact the ITS Help Desk to have your password reset. If you have already supplied the system with a password hint (a question only you can answer), you can reset forgotten passwords yourself at the HawkID website (hawkid.uiowa.edu).
  • Your HawkID password has expired. Passwords must be changed every six months. If your password has expired, contact the ITS Help Desk to have your password reset. If you have already supplied the system with a password hint (a question only you can answer), you can reset forgotten passwords yourself at the HawkID website (hawkid.uiowa.edu).
  • You changed your HawkID (e.g., after marriage). If you change your HawkID, it takes 24 to 48 hours for ICON to recognize your new HawkID, even though webmail and other university systems may allow access sooner.
  • You get an Active X prompt. You may encounter this situation if one of your ICON courses requires an Active X plug-in to download or display a file (e.g., a Flash presentation). Click OK and the plug-in will be added. Be sure to click the install link at the top of your browser window.

You Can See Your Course but Your Students Can't

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