Digital Desk, the current solution for Scantron bubble sheets, will be decommissioned for fall 2024, and the Exam Scoring service will be replaced with Gradescope Bubble Sheets. If you are a current Digital Desk/Instructor Tools user, you can still use Digital Desk for the spring and summer 2024 semesters. The Copy Center will still be available to instructors to pick up Gradescope Bubble Sheets and scan exams.

Instructors can find upcoming training sessions on Gradescope Bubble Sheets by visiting the Upcoming Events page. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk.

Once the Copy Center scans exams, instructors can see the status of the results in Instructor Tools and view, manage and export the results. The following instructions will help you access Instructor Tools.

The numbers in square brackets [ ] in this document refer to an area on the following screenshot.

1. Open a web browser (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox preferred) and go to

2. Log in with your Hawk ID and password.


The Dashboard tab allows you to:

  • View “Exams Processing Today” and “Exams Processed This Semester.”
  • System Messages allows you to view any messages posted by the Instructor Tools administrator
screenshot of instructor tools dashboard

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